Wiki HIV Coding in Alabama

Anniston, AL
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I have question concerning a patient being seen by the clinic that I work for and the provider is assigning B20. However, this patient is not being treated for the HIV or any related symptoms of the HIV. It states in the chart that the patient is coming in for a follow-up of abdominal pain or muscle spasm and it doesn't state that these are HIV related. In the A/P, the provider is selecting B20, but under Impression the patient is seeing another provider at another clinic for the treatment of the HIV. I believe at my clinic, we shouldn't be using B20 (since we're not treating the patient for anything related to HIV), but the Z21 for Asymptomatic HIV infection status. I also need to know where I can find out if Alabama has a law regarding the reporting and billing for HIV/AIDS. Thank you for the needed assistance in advance.

Bethany Kelly, CPC, CPB