Wiki Home Health/Care Plan Oversight


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Hi, Orthopedic people. I have replied to a thread that's under "family practice", but I don't know how many of you check the questions there. I added a question to the thread entitled "Home Health Help" because I really need some info reqarding procedure codes g0179, g0180 & g0181. Please, please see the previous info in the thread & the question I posted yesterday. Thank you!
I have the same question as Marge. Can certification and re-certification for home health care be coded during the post-op global? As in Rebecca's arthroplasty example, can the surgeon also report G0180 and/or G0179 during the global period? Or is that considered part of the "normal" post op period? I have a home health agency telling my docs they can do this...I need to find a definitive answer....