Wiki Hospital based CV clinic billing

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Hi! I code for a hospital based CV clinic. There are three surgeons in the clinic. One thoracic surgeon, one cardiovascular surgeon and one anesthesiologist. There are cases where the thoracic surgeon and the cardiovascular surgeon perform as co-surgeons. My question is regarding the co-surgeon billing. Beings it is a hospital based clinic all billing is submitted under the same tax ID number. Would that prohibit from billing for co-surgeons (assuming all the documentation and coding are done appropriately)? My confusion comes from both of them practicing in the same clinic but of differing specialties (though similar) and billing under the same tax ID number. Thanks for your input! Cindy
They still have different NPI numbers though. I have a similar setup with vascular and cvt surgeons. I have never had a problem with the bills when billing the 62 modifier.

Laura, CPC
My question is are they doucumenting as primary and assistant surgeon or as co surgeons. I have the same thing in my office and when they work together i will usually bill the primary surgeon (the one who dictates) and billthe other as assistant(80)