Wiki Hospital Inpatient Coding Question


Portland, TN
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I am needing information on possible misadventures in surgery or retained foreign objects. If anyone has hospital inpatient or outpatient coding and may possibly be able to help me, I would appreciate hearing back from...thanks so much...Barbara
I am needing to find clarification as to what is considered a retained foreign body. I had a case where a drain was left inplace after a surgery. Upon removal of the drain for the patient to be discharged, it was discovered that the catheter tip had been sewn in and could not be removed. The patient was taken back to the OR for removal. I understand that the return to surgery would not be billed, but I am not certain of the diagnosis code to use for the catheter tip. This case is an inpatient hospital case. I would like to be able to find more information regarding misadventures/retained foreign bodies, etc. Thanks for any help you may be able to give.
Barbara Eib, CPC
Center For Spinal Surgery
United Surgical Partners, Inc.
It sounds to me like the device was stuck(imbedded/impacted). I would consider this a mechanical complication of a device unless you can determine with certainty that it was a misadventure.