Wiki Hospital Visitations


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Hi, Can anyone tell me the correct format for billing for Hospital Visitations? I am familiar the the admission and subsequent and visit codes. However, I get denials for no authorization from various payors. The issue is the physician is admitting them based on a situational basis based on their condition. It is not planned. Codes in reference 99223 for the admit, 99232 for the subsequent visits with modifier 25's added to each subsequent visit. It is an inpatient setting. Is there something I should be adding? Any advise would be great! Mark Awad, COBGC
Are those patients in observation status? those will range from: initial obsv 99217, 99218-99220 , subsequent 99224-99226, also, inpatient consult 99251 - 99255 (medicare will not cover 99251-55)