Wiki Hospital visits


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Hello: I am a physician working as a Hospitalist. I also have an interest in coding and studying for the CEMC exam.

My questions to the experts here are:

1. For CC is it okay if I state "f/u HTN" or "F/u anemia" ? Since I see only inpatients I am always the one initiating the visit and not the other way around.

2. I am having difficulty with the 1995 GL regarding the physical exam. They seem too vague. Here is one of my standard f/u visit exams:

vs: 99 f 80 135/70 100% RA
NAD, CTA Bilateral, no increase WOB, RRR, abd: soft NT bs+, no c/c (clubbing or cyanosis) and no LE edema.

of course, this is just an example. Sometimes I add more if there is important findings. So would you say this is an expanded problem focus or detailed exam if you were reviewing it. To me it would be a detailed based on 1995 but an EPF with the 1997. Any help is always appreciated.

Your chief complaint is fine, just make sure you put one on every day you see the patient.

I agree on your exam, detailed based on 95 and expanded problem focused based on 97.

Thank you, Laura. It's good to know. I try to stay as compliant as I can and review most if not all of my notes in real time to determine my own level of service.