Wiki How to Bill 99211 When the Patient is Seen by the Medical Assistant?


Las Vegas, NV
Best answers
I work at a primary care clinic and there is debate stating you can bill 99211 + drug given when a medical assistant performs the administration. But this brings the question if a medical assistant doesn't have an NPI how do we bill 99211? Since a billing and rendering provider must be included on the claim, whose information is used for the rendering?
I have tried to find an answer to this debate in CMS.GOV, NORIDIAN, AAPC, AMA to no avail.
I recently came across an article (see below) posted 03/05/2020 stating that as long as the medical necessity is documented a medical assistant can bill for 99211but it does not mention how to bill for this.
Is there anyone that can provide feedback on this? Your help is greatly appreciated.

Expand CPT Code 99211 Eligibility to MAs, LPNs, and Other Staff​

CPT code 99211 is often called the nurse visit code. But it’s not just for nurses! Many of your practice employees can provide the service. They must be qualified to evaluate and meet the patient’s care needs in a limited capacity. That means, you can bill 99211 for a medically necessary, face-to-face established patient service performed by a healthcare professional including a:

To answer the question you asked, it's incident-to and you bill it as if the doctor performed the service.

To answer the question you didn't ask, the doctor has to order the service.
Agree, you would bill this under the supervising MD, assuming that all of the 'incident to' requirements are met and that the documentation supports that an E&M service was performed.

However, you won't be able to bill 99211 if you're billing a drug or vaccine administration code in the same visit - 99211 is bundled to those services under NCCI guidelines, which most payers follow, and can't be bypassed with a modifier so it won't be separately paid.