Wiki How would you code screen colon done in asc and hemorrhoid banding done in office


Branford, CT
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Our MD did a screening colon on a patient in our ASC and found hemorrhoids so brought the patient back to our office to do a hemorrhoid banding on the same day. I HAVE NO IDEA WHY HE DIDN'T BAND THEM AT THE ASC (we have done that many times)!!!!

They are different POS (24 and 11).

The banding has a 10 day global period.

Neither codes are an E/M so we can't use 24 or 25 modifier...

I don't think I can use the 58 on the banding because it is the procedure that has a post op period and I wouldn't use that on the colon which occurred first.

Would I just use a 59 on one of the codes or a 78 or 79 (but again I wouldn't use the 78/79 on the banding because it is the procedure that has the post op so could I use it on the colon)?

I called the company who we get our banding equipment from to see if they had any recommendations and they did not.

Love your suggestions.
