Wiki Hx of Polyps - Here we go again


Sterling Heights, MI
Best answers
I know we go around and around on this, so.......
Patient was seen in 2010 with a history of polyps (unknown if tubular or hyperplastic). Also unknown when colon prior to 2010 was performed. Patient had the procedure in 2010 and nothing was found. Patient also has a family history of colon cancer. Patient comes back this year for a colon and nothing was found. Since its been over 10 years since polyps were found is this now considered G0105 due to family history or should we be using CPT 45378 w/ history of polyps diagnosis?
Would appreciate any input on this
What type of insurance do they have? That would determine how it is coded also?
If they have no polyps on their last exam and unknown in 2010, and the DO have a family history, I would code the family history, and the G0105 if MCR and 45378 if commercial.
Hope this makes sense.