Wiki Hydration, 2 bags one arm

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I have a chart with two bags of IV Fluids for Hydration given at the same time, same arm. it shows documented as:

Sodium Chloride 0.9% 1000mL ran from 15:37 to 16:17 (40Min) Right arm.

Sodium Chloride 0.9% 1000mL ran from 15:37 to 16:17 (40Min) Right arm.

Can I charge for two hours? I can't find an answer to my question. I have two separate orders for the bags as well.

The second hour must be sequential to the first hour in order to be billable. So in this situation you are not able to bill for 2 hours of hydration. Your only option is for one hour of hydration with 2000ml of Sodium Chloride 0.9%.

96361 has an includes statement : Hydration provided as a secondary or subsequent service after a different initial service via the same IV access site.

Hope this helps.