Wiki hydration infusion


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A pt with chronic kidney disease and breast cancer is being treated with chemo and radiation. Prior to the radiation treatment, the pt receives an hour of saline infusion to protect the kidneys. After the radiation the pt receives another hour of saline infusion to help flush out the contrast. Is this a billable encounter? Can it be covered in the infusion center with a 96360 or 96361. Also perhaps using a kidney disease ICD-9 code. Very much appreciate your assistance with this question.
Yes, you can bill for the hydration and the hydration time as long as the fluids didn't run at the same time as the chemo. You would use 96361 with a modifier 59. In this case since it was for two hours you would use 96361/59 x 2 units for the 2 hours. I am not totally sure about the dx code but I HAVE used renal insufficieny codes and the ca code plus v58.69, and have used the cancer encounter code primary-v58.11 or v58.12, then the ca code just all depends on the situation. But yes, I would think that a kidney problem would definitly show medical necessity for hydration.
I agree with AmandaW. You can bill for both hrs of hydration 96361,59 x2. We use the appropriate 276.xx along with the appropriate primary dx

At a recent seminar it was stated that the facility cannot bill for hydration when a person with kidney disease comes in for hydration before and after a scheduled CT scan. In the example they come to the infusion center for hydration to protect their kidneys before they have a scheduled CT scan. Is it billable or why not. Thank you in advance
From what I understand, doing a flush doesn't count as hydration unless clearly stated. We have patients who have a flush all the time in between or after drugs, but it isn't considered hydration, so it isn't billed.
Billing 96365 due to kidney disease

If a ct was done & then 500 ml normal saline flush was given due to kidney disease, can we bill 96365 & j7040?