Wiki I&D of abscess 2x-same day/diff locations


Sand Springs, OK
Best answers
This is a new one on me so I thought I'd ask my question here as I can't find any solid info re: this scenario. Pt had a large neck abscess. I&D was done in the office, small amount of purulent drainage removed but, due to pt discomfort, they couldn't clean it all out. Pt taken to OR from office, I & D done again with larger incision and much deeper and a biopsy was taken of the wall of the abscess, wound left open with packing.

I billed the office procedure as a 10060. Can I bill the second since it was done at a different location and was much more in depth? Do I have to void the first charge and only bill for the second, or can both charges be billed out?

Thank you for any input you can offer.