Wiki I need some help!!!


Montrose, MI
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My physician performed 1. EUA pelvic exam 2. Pap smear with HPV, GC, Chlamydia and a wet mount 3. Colposcopy 4. Hysteroscopy and D&C.
I have 58558 and 57454, I would like some assistance with the others (if I can bill them or not). Also, I can't find the dx code for unable to tolerate office procedures, this is why she had to do the pap, cultures and colpo in OR.

Thanks for your input
A pelvic exam under anesthesia done with other gynecological surgical procedures is generally an integral portion of the surgical procedure and is not identified separately.

The collection of the pap/hpv, GC, Chlamydia and wet mount are all part of the Encounter for gynecological examination and would not be coded with a CPT code.

You can only code 58558 and 57454. :)