Wiki ICD-10 exam preparation


Colorado Springs, CO
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I just took ICD-10 and wanted to get the study guides and all but do not see them for sale all they list is the ICD-9 ones on here. Does anyone know if there are some and I am just not seeing them or when they will come out so I can study a little bit more before I take the exam?
Look at the At your own pace I-10 preparatory documentations. It's 300$ plus but I'm finding it useful as a review so I can pass the AAPC required certification exam.
There's an ICD-10 Proficiency assessment workbook available if you browse through the ICD-10 training section for a while. It's not easy to find. It's a less expensive option if you can't handle the $300 courses. I plan to order it, but I haven't looked at it yet so I don't know whether it will give you what you need or not. But it's there! (Hope the link works)

I don't need the courses I already took it through my state college. I just need something to make everyday use of it to get used to it to take the test since we aren't using it on a daily basis yet.