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Immunization administration
CPT Assistant, November 1999 Pages: 47-48 Category:
Related Information
Immunization Administration for Vaccines/Toxoids
"If a significant separately identifiable Evaluation and Management service (eg, office or other outpatient services, preventive medicine services) is performed, the appropriate E/M service code should be reported in addition to the vaccine and toxoid administration codes.
The notes preceding codes 90471 and 90472 have been revised as well to clarify that preventive medicine services, and other office or outpatient evaluation and management services (including code 99211) performed at the same visit as the administration of the vaccine/toxoid, may be reported separately. For example the office or other outpatient evaluation and management code 99211 may be reported in addition to the administration (90471, 90472) and appropriate vaccine product code (90476-90749), when a nurse under the physician's supervison reviews the patient's chart, takes the child's blood pressure and temperature, provides vaccine information, instructions and consent forms to the parent and prepares the vaccine product prior to the administration of the vaccine."
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