Wiki Imt study

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I work for an Internal Medicine group and one of our doctors is also a board certified lipidologist. We have an ultrasound technician come in one once a month to perform the US and then the doctor reviews for the interpretation of the US.
We currently only bill as follows:

93882 Duplex scan of extracranial arteries; unilateral or limited study

Should we also be billing for the provider to read them?
Any help would be greatly appreciated.
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It depends if the Ultrasound technician is going to submit a claim or not. If the ultrasound technician is going to bill the Technical component the physician would bill the professional services by attaching modifier 26.
In that case bill the procedure without any modifiers to get the global payment. You only report the code with TC or 26 when separate entities are going to be billing for Technical or Professional component of the procedure.

If the company providing the Technician and the equipment was billing the insurance, they would report the code with modifier TC and your physician would report the code with modifier 26.
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