Wiki incarcerated umbilical hernia repair laparoscopy


Oceanside, CA
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I need help with ASA code for laparoscopy incarcerated umbilical hernia repair(49653), the hernia is located below the umbilicus, which asa code to use 00750 or 00832= (anesthesia for hernia repairs in lower abdomen; ventral and incisional hernias)? please help......
I need help with ASA code for laparoscopy incarcerated umbilical hernia repair(49653), the hernia is located below the umbilicus, which asa code to use 00750 or 00832= (anesthesia for hernia repairs in lower abdomen; ventral and incisional hernias)? please help......

I would not use either one, I would use 00752 as this is for a laparoscopy incarcerated umbiical hernia repair. The alternate(s) are not laparoscopy. Hope this helps.:)
I agree. Crosswalk says 00750 or 00752. 00750 says other hernias not specified and the 00752 says ventral hernia so I would use that one.