Wiki Incident to or Direct Bill situation


Rochester, NY
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Established patient has been followed in the office for A-Fib. Patient now presents for Chest Pain. Nurse Practitioner sees alone (with no MD). Would this be Direct Bill??
Chest pain would be a new problem, I'm guessing, so it would not qualify for incident to. This should be billed under the NP.

Laura, CPC, CEMC
There is no physician note in reference to the Chest Pain visit, just the NP's note.
I was stumped on this one because Chest Pain is a symptom of A-Fib. So.. if the patient is already being followed for A-Fib, then the Chest Pain could be related to that previous condition of A-Fib and they should be able to bill 'incident to'.
On the other hand, chest pain is related to several things.....
Chest pain could be related to any number of things, if the patient is coming in for an acute episode, I would not consider it incident to.

Laura, CPC, CEMC