Wiki Influenza


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I need help with the correct code to use for Flu A and B. We do rapid flu test in our clinic and get positive A or B for the results. I think we should use J10.1 or J11.1. The providers are saying J09 codes but that is only for animal origin I thought? Can someone please help me so I can inform the providers so we can start coding correctly.

I need help with the correct code to use for Flu A and B. We do rapid flu test in our clinic and get positive A or B for the results. I think we should use J10.1 or J11.1. The providers are saying J09 codes but that is only for animal origin I thought? Can someone please help me so I can inform the providers so we can start coding correctly.


Hey did you ever get the correct answer for Influenza B? I just started at an urgent care where we always do both.