Wiki Inpatient global for 33208


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Hi - if a patient had a pacer inserted on 1/9/17 for complete heart block, left the hospital but was readmitted (during the global for the pacer) for septic knee issues. During her inpatient care, she is seen frequently by cardio doctors making rounds. The cardio doctors want to bill E/M codes with I48.92, I34.0, I05.8, I45.9 & Z95.3

Are these considered "unrelated" dx codes to the complete heart block, the reason the pacer was put in? Or do these fall under the global period?

Any thoughts are greatly appreciated! :)
I would read the consult report from you doctor to see if it is unrelated, if the patient is having a surgery and needs a clearance then I would use modifier 24. What ever the case may be and you do determine that it is unrelated and use modifier 24. Medicare will have you send in the consult report or any documentation proving it is unrelated so I would keep that in mind. I hope that helps.