Wiki Inpatient newborn and maternal condtions


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It is protocol to do several blood sugar checks for a newborn with a mother that has gestational diabetes. When the newborn does not have hypoglycemia, and not affected the P70.0 does not apply. Would you consider the newborn stay still affected by the maternal condition? Adding the observation suspected condition Z05.42 as an additional code changes the DRG to 794 so I haven't been using it, unless specified by the provider. Do you think that is accurate when the maternal gestational diabetes does change the course with the additional monitoring of the newborn, just not length of stay?

This observation suspected condition scenario I am questioning also applies to newborns with mothers that are a Beta Strep carrier that deliver quickly and don't receive adequate antibiotics prior to delivery. The newborn is observed for signs of infection and it can lengthen a stay a day, but not always. The baby itself doesn't have a significant problem to warrant the 794?

Any additional perspective is appreciated. I haven't been using the codes as they change the DRG, I'm not sure how to show the reason for the difference in the course of treatment or increased nursing monitoring..

Thank you,