Wiki INR billing 93793


Avon, MN
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Can the 93793 be billed on a weekly basis for INR on home tests when nursing staff are following up with the pt via telephone call?
Currently we bill the 99211 if they qualify for the nursing time b/c of a dosage change or the pts levels are out of range.
It's our understanding that the 93793 and does not get paid and have been changing the nursing service to NCG11 and only billing for the INR test.
Thank you
93793 includes the review and interpretation of a new lab test done in the home, office or lab. This code does have work RVUs, recognizing that it is physician/NP/PA work to interpret the lab results, make a dosing adjustment if needed, and schedule additional tests, again if needed. The dosage does not need to be changed in order to report 93793.