Wiki Interpreter Services

Bellevue, NE
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Our facility is looking in to purchasing an interpreting service, audio only. I am aware that insurance companies do not reimburse for interpreting services. My supervisor has asked us to balance bill patients. Is this an appropriate action? This raised an alarm for me and I am certain this is not appropriate.

thank you!
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no federal funds

This is the link to the Office of Civil Rights guidance on Title VI for persons with limited English proficiency and recipients of federal assistance (see the definition of these in the link). The paragraph on the use of family members mentions that an interpreter be provided without charge to the LEP individual.

We are a private practice not accepting medicare/Medicaid/Tricare

In the reading of this document, I don't see anything mandating private practices to provide such translators. Ideas?

Thank you!
Section 1557 makes it unlawful for any health care provider that receives funding from the Federal government to refuse to treat an individual – or to otherwise discriminate against the individual – based on race, color, national origin, sex, age or disability. Section 1557 imposes similar requirements on health insurance issuers that receive federal financial assistance. Health care providers and insurers are barred, among other things, from excluding or adversely treating an individual on any of these prohibited bases.

The Section 1557 final rule applies to recipients of financial assistance from the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS), the Health Insurance Marketplaces and health programs administered by HHS.

There are other ways you may be receiving funding from the government, so you'll want to review your payers closely.