Wiki Intracranial injury coding


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I am hoping someone can help me code for a patient where the MD stated "Brain injury, clouds things, is able to drive and has judgment, but has effected her personality".

The brain injury was back in 2013 and when I research S06.9X0S (unspecified intracranial injury without loss of consciousness) and S06.9X9S (Unspecified intracranial injury with loss of consciousness of unspecified duration) I don't feel either are appropriate because the MD never mentions if the patient has loss of consciousness when the injury happened. I couldn't find anything in the coding guidelines about if we don't know about loss of consciousness that guidelines state code .....

Then there is the F07.0 (Personality change due to known physiological condition). Which in the index is under Disorder; Mental; following organic brain damage; personality change.

I do family practice coding and don't see this kind of diagnosis too often.

Thank you for your help.
Intracranial Injury Coding


I'm going to make this short and sweet; for ICD-10 coding, you will have to query the doctor as to whether or not the patient had a loss of consciousness. There's not gray area here for ICD-10.
The good news is, once the doctor responds, coding out for this patient will be much easier.
If the doctor doesn't know, I suggest they dig deeper into past medical history to the initial incident and read up.

Hope this finds your day going well......