Wiki Intraoral flap debulking


Weston, FL
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I'm new to this speciality. Can anyone help me with the coding.

Intraoral flap debulking
Incision and drainage of neck mass with placement of iodoform

After obtaining informed consent, patient was brought back to the operating room where he underwent general anesthesia. Once the tube was secured, the patient was prepped and draped in the usual fashion and a surgical timeout was performed. The oral cavity was carefully examined. Some of the inflamed tissue at the left RMT was sampled. Next, electrocautery was used to incise the fibula skin paddle. An ellipse of skin was removed. The skin was widely undermined in all directions. The subcutaneous fat was debulked. The skin was then advanced closed and sutured using 3-0 vicryl horizontal mattress sutures. Oral cavity was irrigated. Next, a 2 cm fluctuant area was noted on the neck, just below the mandible and to the right of midline. A 15 blade was used to incise the skin. Culture was taken of the purulent drainage. The cavity was further opened using a hemostat. This was irrigated with sterile saline and then packed with iodoform gauze. Patient was turned back to anesthesia where he was extubated without difficulty and transferred to the PACU in stable condition.