Wiki Is 77003 (Fluoro) Included in....


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I am getting a denial for 77003 as included in 64640 and 64622. Is this correct? Thanks!!!!
The 77003 can be coded separately, but Medicare packages reimbursement for that code with the other codes and will not pay an additional amt for it.
Very interesting.....this is a denial from a Worker's Compensation carrier.
To differentiate, code 77002 rather than code 77003 should be reported to identify the fluoroscopic guidance performed in conjunction with injection codes 64400-64450, 64505-64530, 64600-64620, or 64630-64680, because this code more accurately describes the fluoroscopic guidance procedure performed for the anatomy involved.

(Per CPT Assistant)
For work comp you need to be aware of the state you are in. Work comp in different states dictates which version on CPT they are using, this can cause numerous denials when you are using current codes for your billing. Find out which version your state uses for work comp and then adjust your codes accordingly. It might make a difference. Also I agree with Rebecca on the flouro code.