Wiki Is this even billable..thoughts? Otho is to new...Please & Thank you!


Hornell, NY
Best answers
Status post closed reduction of right distal radius fracture.

Splitting of cast, right arm.

This is a 12-year-old male, status post closed reduction of a
silver-fork deformity of the right distal radius.

The patient was placed in a short-arm cast; after, he was sent
home and developed significant increased pain and swelling in
the fingers of the right hand. Felt coolness to the touch and
started to develop some numbness in his hand. He was brought
back to the emergency room where he was in uncontrollable pain
and the cast was split longitudinally and cotton was released
using bandage scissors. The patient had immediate relief from
the pressure and the cast was left intact and wrapped with an
Ace bandage. The patient tolerated the procedure well. He had
immediate relief and was sent home with continued instructions
for ice, elevation, hydrocodone p.r.n. for pain. Follow up in
the orthopedic clinic in 1 week's time for re-evaluation.
I believe this would just be inclusive to the E&M or the fracture care global package. This does not equate to strapping code. You may be able to bill for the supply (ace bandage) with a HCPCS code or 99070 misc supply code.

If they had removed the original cast and applied a 2nd cast for better fitting, you would have been able to bill for the cast application (w/58 modifier) and supply code
I believe this would just be inclusive to the E&M or the fracture care global package. This does not equate to strapping code. You may be able to bill for the supply (ace bandage) with a HCPCS code or 99070 misc supply code.

If they had removed the original cast and applied a 2nd cast for better fitting, you would have been able to bill for the cast application (w/58 modifier) and supply code

Thank you, that is what I was thinking as well.