Wiki Is/Was there a modifier -29?

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Help! There was an article published in a journal that my physician received regarding how to bill for musculoskeletal procedures. In particular, the decision to perform a procedure, such as a joint injection, at a visit. The article specifically states "do use a -29 modifier". I wrote to the publication, as I was unable to locate any reference to a -29 modifier anywhere. They replied today stating, "this is what we found - "Modifier - 29 for global procedures (those procedures where one provider is responsible for both the professional and technical component) "" :confused: Can anyone lead me somewhere I can clear this up? My physician wants to use this modifier! Thanks!
I didn't go pull any old books or anything but when I go into CodeCorrect and enter the 29 modifier, nothing comes up. Others will come up with the term date if there is one. I've never heard of that modifier. Hmmmm.
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