Wiki Job description

Anesthesia job description

Are you looking as an employee or as an employer? Try Googling 'CANPC' or even 'anesthesia coder' for some ideas on what we do, but in general my job requires me to have knowledge of or understand: medical direction, CRNA, SRNA, and resident billing, concurrency between cases, physical status modifiers, choosing the higher base-unit value surgery when multiple procedures are being done at the same time, understanding what can be billed separately (invasive lines, post-op pain injections, etc) and what's included in the global anesthesia service (pre and post op evals), how to handle canceled cases, medical terminology, anatomy, and a whole bunch of other things that I'm probably forgetting right now. Things like NCCI edits, moderate sedation modifiers, qualifying circumstances. Don't know if this helps or not!