Wiki Labor Epidural started by Anesthesia Dr, another practice CRNA did return bolus


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We bill for a CRNA practice that does the dosing ( bolus) for the patient after the patient already has the Labor Epidural completed by an Anesthesiologist from another billing practice. We don't currently bill for this service however we are currently wonder if we should be billing these return service(s) to the patient as they are not being billed by the Anesthesiologist for our service(s). Since we did not place the epidural we are wondering if we can still bill for the 59409 service with just the time for the bolus service. Has anyone come across a similar situation?
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According to the Anesthesia and Pain Answer Book published by DecisionHealth, 'he who places the labor epidural is the one who is paid'. Though not often, we run in to the same scenario. We don't bill for any service. I would be interested to hear what other companies are doing in this situation.