Wiki Laprascopic tubal attempted


Metamora, MI
Best answers
Laprascopic tubal was attempted but due to severe pelvic adhesions involving the small intestine to the abdominal wall , and filmy adhesions over the uterus, the tubal was not completed.

But, a lysis of adhesions was done.

Should the code be 49320 or 58671-53 or 44180?

The intent of the procedure was for undesired fertility. thanks!:confused::cool:
Since the Tubal was unable to be done and all they did was the Lysis of adhesion I would only bill the Lysis of adhesions 44180!;)
"Undesired Fertility"

Does anyone know the proper ICD-9 code for "undesired fertility". This is for pre-procedure lab work for a patient who is admitted for delivery and plans to have tubal ligation during the same visit.
I see this question has been posted before but has no answers....

Thanks :confused: