Wiki Lengthening of Fascia Lata


Dublin, OH
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The physician performed an excision of left trochanteric burse with lengthening of fascia lata.

I am not sure how to code lengthening of fascia lata. I have one provider wanting to use 27006 and another using 27299. I am not sure either of those are correct.

This is what the op report states:
The fascia lata was cleared off, noting that it was moderately thickened over the area of the bursa and hyperemic. A long V cut was made with the Y part of the V based proximally and the central portion then folded up, noting thickening of the fascia lata in this area. This exposed a large, edematous, very vascular trochanteric bursa, which was then completely excised. Once this was completed and hemostasis obtained, the incision was irrigated with Betadine solution and then the V cut was closed in a Y-type fashion, lengthening the fascia lata, with ) Vicryl suture.

What do you think the best code is for this procedure? Thanks for your help, this has been driving me crazy.
look at 27062.
look at codes 14000-14300 for that because it says something about V-Y plasty. Not sure if that is it but maybe.
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