Wiki Level 99213??


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Pt comes in inquiring about a cortsione shot, Doctor does a EXP. Prob exam and then he injects the knee with the cortisone. Would that be a 99213 or 99212? Thanks alot for the help
guess that will depend on what type of HISTORY and MDM the doctor did - what's the documentation support? (an E/M and injection - just the injection?) was the patient coming in solely for an injection?

hard to say what it is with just a EPF exam...too many other things left unknown, too many variables, more info needed to determine an answer.
Doctor says, Exam of her right knee demonstrates a range of motion o 5-110. Knee is stable with varus and valgus stress. She has disconfort with palpation of her lateral joint line. She is neurovasculary intact. Treatment optins were discused with the pt. After a sterile prep her right knee was injected. Thanks for the help