Wiki Local Infiltration performed followed by redution


Dayton, PA
Best answers

If anyone can direct me on this one, it would be very much appreciated.

Patient has right middle trigger finger, she came into the office the doctor did a local infiltration followed by a reduction then the flexor tendon was injected.

Do I just code the injection/medication or do I need to code for the local and reduction? If I do need to code the local/reduction what code would I use for this, I could not find a code that I felt was correct.

Thank you,
If I get this right, the patient came to the office with a "locked" Trigger Finger, which usually is painful. In order to treat the patient, your physician did a Manipulation (not really a "Reduction") of the Locked PIP Joint under (local) anesthesia. The code for this is 26340. He then proceeded to do a "Tendon Sheath Injection" for Trigger Finger, 20550, with a steroid medication in hopes of "treating" the Trigger Finger to resolve swelling, inflammation, and future locking. I would probably code an office E&M with Modifier 57 (decision for procedure, which I assume he discussed with the patient and the patient consented), then the Manipulation procedure, 26340, as a primary "procedure," then the Tendon Sheath Injection, 20550, with Modifier 51 for "Multiple Procedures."

Respectfully submitted, Alan Pechacek, M.D.