Wiki loin pain-hematuria syndrome


True Blue
Best answers
Can anyone please help me with a dx code for loin pain-hematuria syndrome?

Thanks for any help.
I can't find a code for this condition. Unless someone else can answer, I would code both the pain and hematuria.
No specific code getting, may be it is flank pain and hematuria...789.09 and 599.70

Thara L CPC H

I found a link on google it is in the rare disease category
i coded 78899 and 59970 depending on the documentation
LPHS is flank pain that is renal in nature, along with hematuria. since the pain is renal in nature, you should code 788.0 - renal colic, as opposed to an abdominal, other specified or unspecified code choice. 599.71 ot 599.72 for gross or microscopic hematuria respectively, depending on what the docuementation supports. If the quality is not mentioned, then you would defer to 599.70 ( hematuria unspecified) as a last resort.