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Lebanon, PA
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I'm not sure what to bill. I looked at codes 46050, 46060, 46270, and 11470. None of them really seem to apply. If anyone has any suggestions or input, I would greatly appreciate it.

FINDINGS AND PROCEDURE: Patient laid in prone position. Skin prepped and draped. Following anesthesia, examination under anesthesia was performed which showed an external opening and possible internal opening, however, it was not determined at this time. Proctoscopy was conducted and at this time the opening was found to be healed.

A probe was inserted into the fistulous tract which was extending from the upper thigh and the low perineal region and the abscess cavity was opened. Pus was drained and sent for culture and sensitivity and the fistulous tract was excised and sent to pathology for diagnosis. Hemostasis was obtained. Sterile dressing was performed.

The patient tolerated the procedure well.