Wiki Lower Extremity Angiography..please check


San Diego
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I'm not sure if I have been coding these correctly. Will someone please tell me how you would code this. Thank you!!!

A 5-French sheath was inserted into the left common femoral artery. Left lower extremity angiogram was
then performed using digital subtraction followed by bolus chase. Findings showed the left common femoral artery
was patent with the insertion site of the sheath was high up in the left common femoral artery. The left profunda was patent.
Left SFA was patent in its proximal and mid portions. There was severe stenosis in the midportions and then was completely
occluded and there was reconstitution at the adductor canal for about 7 cm total occlusion. Below the knee, the contrasts were
washed. Next, the Rim catheter was placed in the descending abdominal aorta just above the origin of the iliac arteries and 8-10 mL
of contrast was used for digital subtraction. Findings shoed that the descending abdominal aorta was normal caliber. There was
bilateral common iliac and external iliac artery, which were patent. The internal iliac arteries were diffusely diseased,
but poorly visualized. Next, the RIM catheter was placed to the right side and placed at the level of the right common
femoral artery. Right lower extremity angiogram was performed using digital subtraction followed by bolus chase. Findings
showed that the right SFA was severely calcified, but patent in it proximal midportions. In it's distal portion, it had about 80% stenosis.
Below the knee, the PT and AT were occluded
I'm not sure if I have been coding these correctly. Will someone please tell me how you would code this. Thank you!!!

A 5-French sheath was inserted into the left common femoral artery. Left lower extremity angiogram was
then performed using digital subtraction followed by bolus chase. Findings showed the left common femoral artery
was patent with the insertion site of the sheath was high up in the left common femoral artery. The left profunda was patent.
Left SFA was patent in its proximal and mid portions. There was severe stenosis in the midportions and then was completely
occluded and there was reconstitution at the adductor canal for about 7 cm total occlusion. Below the knee, the contrasts were
washed. Next, the Rim catheter was placed in the descending abdominal aorta just above the origin of the iliac arteries and 8-10 mL
of contrast was used for digital subtraction. Findings shoed that the descending abdominal aorta was normal caliber. There was
bilateral common iliac and external iliac artery, which were patent. The internal iliac arteries were diffusely diseased,
but poorly visualized. Next, the RIM catheter was placed to the right side and placed at the level of the right common
femoral artery. Right lower extremity angiogram was performed using digital subtraction followed by bolus chase. Findings
showed that the right SFA was severely calcified, but patent in it proximal midportions. In it's distal portion, it had about 80% stenosis.
Below the knee, the PT and AT were occluded

I have 36246 and 75716.
Jim Pawloski, CIRCC