Wiki MD left practice, can Chief Medical Officer sign notes?


Local Chapter Officer
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I know this question has been asked a few times, but I really need some help here.

We have a provider who left our practice, leaving many notes incomplete, unsigned, and unlocked. Our Chief Medical Officer has reviewed the notes and signed them, with a statement explaining what happened. If there is not enough information from the rendering provider, we are not submitting them. The notes that do have enough detail to support codes, our CMO and my supervisor are wanting to submit for payment. My supervisor reached out to her industry contacts who are telling her yes, as long as there is a documented explanation, those claims are billable.

I found the CMS guidelines and have forwarded to my supervisor, along with other AAPC threads and blogs, and a link to the OIG. Can anyone provide other credible and more definitive sources to support that we cannot bill these claims signed by the CMO instead of the rendering provider.

Thank you,
Arrana Ashton, CPC, CEMC
Hi Arrana,

Do you happen to still have the direct links from CMS and OIG that you used to support your stance? I am looking for something similar myself.
