Wiki Medicaid Authorizations

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I am a very new certified biller with 7 weeks experience at a very, very small practice. So not only do I have a learning curb but there's no one at the practice who can answer questions. So please allow me to ask for knowledge, any at all about Medicaid Authorizations. Here goes:

The practice is 88% Medicaid with many of the PT's cards reflecting a different practice not ours. So I've learned I must contact the listed practice and obtain their NPI # before payment can be made to my practice. So I've begun relaying to the PT's at checkin that they must contact their case worker to get the card changed. Some PTs seem to be annoyed but it must be done as there is no time during the day and somewhere I've got to find even minutes. Yesterday while calling a practice it was shared that Medicaid has an authorization line. Well I was just overcome with joy to say the least.

Can anyone share insight on Medicaid's authorization line like the #, if I can use a template with numer's PT's Medi ID #, how long it takes...... just anything at all would be helpful.

Thank you.
What state are you in? Each state runs their Medicaid program differently so it's important to know the regulations for your state. Your best bet is to make some time and go to your state's medicaid wesite, review their requirements and instructions and read or download their provider manuals for future reference.