Wiki Medicaid OB


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Patient comes in 1 week after delivery for a BP check due to severe pre-eclampsia. Can we bill a typical office visit since medicaid patients visits are billed individually. I feel like we can as long as the documentation is there but my dr didn't think she would be able to?
Patient comes in 1 week after delivery for a BP check due to severe pre-eclampsia. Can we bill a typical office visit since medicaid patients visits are billed individually. I feel like we can as long as the documentation is there but my dr didn't think she would be able to?

I think in this case your doctor is correct: the BP check would be part of the global package for the delivery and not seperately billable. I think because she had the pre-eclampsia during the pregnancy (known condition) and the doctor wanted to follow-up to make sure it was resolving after delivery, it would be part of the normal postpartum care for that patient's pregnancy.
In our state we can not bill globally to medicaid we do each visit individual that is why i feel like i could bill this as office visit
With Texas Medicaid we are allowed two postpartum visits. If this were my patient, I would code 59430; V24.2.