Wiki Medicaid Share of Cost or Medically Needy Program


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So, how many of you out there have Medicaid Share of Cost clients?
Is this just a Florida thing, or is it nationwide and if you are a a Medicaid provider do you have to accept Medicaid Share of Cost clients?
This is a billing nightmare for us! I am new to Medical Billing, but this is a billing/reimbursement thread and i would love to hear how others handle these patients.
I have learned that the patient is responsible for submitting their bills to DCF who makes the determination and activates their Medicaid for the month. And it seems the burden of proof is on the patient and if they do not meet the requirements then they are responsible for payment.
How much payment are they responsible for, the approved Medicaid reimbursement amount or the standard fee schedule? Also we are a FQHC, so if a client is a self pay, sliding fee schedules do come into play, I think...

Thank you, thank you for any input in this!

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