Wiki Medicare Audit

Nancy Klein

Saginaw, MI
Best answers
Hello All,

If CMS performs a RAC audit, or if your local Medicare contractor performs an audit using an outside TPE, do they focus only on the area that prompted the audit? Here is why I ask: I'm aware of an office that had a local Medicare carrier (WPS) audit performed thru their contracted TPE. They focused on signature rules of E/M charts. The office passed with flying colors. That said, the office bills incident-to and they don't follow all the rules. (example: a new plan of care (POC) initiated by the NPP). When the Medicare TPE is performing the audit, do they look at other areas of the notes that could be a violation (such as the incident-to rules) or do they just focus on the reason for performing the audit? If the auditor only asked for office notes on one DOS for a patient would they know what the original POC is and if the NPP was following it? If Incident-to isn't their audit focus would they ask for additional dates of service on a patient to check to see if the rules were being followed (again-thinking of the POC)?
Thank you in advance!!!
Nancy Klein (See FAQ here)

In my experience they are going to focus on the scope of the audit, but if there are other issues they won't just ignore it. It depends on the scope and records, etc.