Wiki Medicare guidelines for high risk screening colons


Sterling Heights, MI
Best answers
This has probably been discussed previously but I was at a Medicare Seminar yesterday and was told that when billing Medicare we should follow Medicare guidelines as opposed to AMA guidelines. Has anyone ever heard this before? So when a patient is coming for a colonoscopy due to history of polyps (no other signs or symptoms) we can bill the G0105 if doc doesn't find anything and history of polyps ICD10 code. Medicare allows a screening once every 24 months, high risk. We would not use 45378 since pt. had polyps previously?
Appreciate any help on this one.
Medicare has been using their screening colonoscopy codes for years.

I don't know where I found it, but I have noted that CMS defines a high-risk patient as one who has one or more of the following factors:

- a close relative (sibling, parent or child) who has had colorectal cancer or an adenomatous polyp
- a family history of familial adenomatous polyposis
- a family history of hereditary nonpolyposis colorectal cancer
- a personal history of adenomatous polyps
- a personal history of colorectal cancer
- a personal history of inflammatory bowel disease, including Crohn's disease and ulcerative colitis

I use the G0105 for any Medicare patients noted to have any of the above.