Wiki Medicare's 2010 fee schedule adjustment vs secondary payments


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Medicare adjusted their 2010 fee schedule and is currently doing back and literally taking cents from everything they paid us. This, I am sure, is happening to everyone. But my question is what is everyone doing to handle this, because this situation is creating ALOT of secondary overpayments. Will medicare claims that have been adjusted by medicare be re-crossedover to the secondary, or do I have to submit the secondary claims again? How is everyone handling these secondary overpayments?

thanks for your help!
Medicare adjusted their 2010 fee schedule and is currently doing back and literally taking cents from everything they paid us. This, I am sure, is happening to everyone. But my question is what is everyone doing to handle this, because this situation is creating ALOT of secondary overpayments. Will medicare claims that have been adjusted by medicare be re-crossedover to the secondary, or do I have to submit the secondary claims again? How is everyone handling these secondary overpayments?

thanks for your help!

I've contacted a few of those secondary insurances and they're just as frustrated as we are by this. Huge amount of work for everyone. My suggestion is to contact a few of your secondaries and see if Medicare has crossedover to them. No way around the hassle. :(
We didn't wait for medicare to do the mass adjustment after the fee schedule update. We resubmitted all our claims ourselves. Yes the secondary's do reprocess everything as well as long as it's crossed over directly from medicare. And yes it is one giant pain in the butt. We did not cross over what wasn't autimatically crossed by medicare. Most secondary adjustment were under $0.10, so it wasn't worth the time.