Wiki Missing/incomplete/invalid other diagnosis denial?


McKinney, TX
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I work for an Infectious disease doctor and this patient was seen IP. Coded in this same order: R50.81,Z34.82,G43.901. It was denied for missing/incomplete/invalid other diagnosis. All I can think is that Z code is exempt from POA. What could be the reason for this denial? Anyone knows?
Is this a pregnant patient? If so, I would suggest that you review the ICD-10 guidelines for Chapter 15.

If that fever (R50.81) is related to the pregnancy, you'd likely need to report it with an O code from Chapter 15 for a complication of the pregnancy. Or if the pregnancy was incidental to the conditions being treated, then you'd probably have to report Z33.1 (pregnant state, incidental).

I also don't think the Z34.82 code is being used correctly - according to the ICD-10 guidelines, codes in Z34 are always listed first and are used to report an encounter for supervision of a normal pregnancy. That doesn't sound like what's happening here, so I suspect Z34.82 may not be the right code for your claim.

Disclaimer: I'm not an OB coder and this isn't my area of expertise.

However, the ICD-10 guidelines are pretty clear-cut for Chapter 15 - everything I mentioned above is paraphrased directly from the ICD-10 guidelines. If I were you, that's where I'd start looking to figure out how to fix the diagnoses on your claim.
I work for an Infectious disease doctor and this patient was seen IP. Coded in this same order: R50.81,Z34.82,G43.901. It was denied for missing/incomplete/invalid other diagnosis. All I can think is that Z code is exempt from POA. What could be the reason for this denial? Anyone knows?
Z34.82 must be listed as the principal diagnosis on the claim. In addition, there are no requirements to link fever or migraine as a pregnancy related complication unless it otherwise states. Meaning there are not any 'O' codes that would be required in this case, give that the patient is being seen for the fever and migraine separately from the pregnancy.
Why did not list the dx telling how many months pregnant pt. is? Check out blocks of dx Z3A Add possible dx of026.89 or O86.4 or dx block of 075.2 or dx block of 099.89 or O99.351 to match documentation? List of dx with migraines for OB/GYN add to dx list instead of symptom. Was there a reason for fever and migraines like UTI, COVDI, gastro problem Etc?
Well hope this helps you
Lady T
I work for an Infectious disease doctor and this patient was seen IP. Coded in this same order: R50.81,Z34.82,G43.901. It was denied for missing/incomplete/invalid other diagnosis. All I can think is that Z code is exempt from POA. What could be the reason for this denial? Anyone knows?
I believe the Z34.82 can only be listed as the primary dx and dx R50.81 is most likely the reason why it was denied for missing/incomplete/invalid other dx. R50.81 is a manifestation code so the underlying condition needs to be coded first. I think that is the issue with your denial.