Wiki Misys


Des Moines
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Does anybody out there use Misys? The place I am employed with uses an older version, and I hate it!! Can't place in modifiers like we've been trained; they came up with their own modifier list, i.e...... modifier 25, left side isn't 25/LT its more like 163= 25/LT. It's ridiculous. I worked for a hospital that used Meditech and I thought that software was so eay and intuitive. Anyone else hate Misys? lol


You have a sister here! I hate it also. also if you look the order you want the modifiers in is not necessarily the order the Mysis code puts it in. This is completely rediculous and very time consuming for a coder, I hate it also!
I work with Misys also, but my problems are more of getting tech support I can understand (support tech have very very thick accents).
We use it also, and everyone dislikes the fact that we can't use letters in the modifier fields, and if you need two modifiers you have to use the "key codes" to generate them, and make sure they will actually print in the correct order. We are supposed to be moving to LSS eventually, and already have some clinics up on that system.

We have multiple clinics, each with it's own clinic number, and in Misys we can't see the other information - you have to log out of one clinic and into another, as we can only have so many sessions open. It would be so much easier to share demographic information - but LSS will take care of that.