Wiki Moderate Sedation in ED


Bremen, GA
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I know in order to bill a moderate sedation in the ED, a physician other than the one performing the fracture care has to do the sedation. What if there are 2 MDs both from the ED that each do one of the procedures? Can the moderate sedation, 99148-99149, be billed in conjunction with the fracture care? Or do the physicians have to be under different tax IDs in order for the sedation to be billed?
Moderate sedation in ED

99143: Moderate sedation services provided by the same physician or other qualified health care professional performing the diagnostic or therapeutic service that the sedation supports, requiring the presence of an independent trained observer to assist in the monitoring of the patients's level of consciousness and phsyciological status: This does not mean the ED doc cannot do the sedation and the setting of a fracture, and in many ED only one doctor is in the room doing both services:confused:. The "trained observer" is the RN in most ED settings. IF however another Doctor, PA or Nurse Practioner is in the room doing the fracture care then you use the 99148 to signify 2 providers were in the room. It does not matter if they are in the same group or not.