Wiki modifier 26


Bluffton, SC
Best answers
when using modifier 26 it states interpretation with written report - when the physician interprets the report only is that with the patient or just written report in the chart? does the patient need to be present is my question?
Thank you so much for any clarification you can give.
-26 is the professional component, Whether patient will be there will depend on the service.
Pathology/Radiology for example, the -26 is billed by the one looking at the specimen/output and writing the official report. The radiologist never sees the patient they usually do it all electronically and commonly from a remote site. Same for pathologist the sample is received in the lab and analyzed
ok, let me be a little more specific, Can an Ophthalmologist review testing like OCT's or visuals fields without the patient being in office and bill with 26 instead of having patient return?
For any service that has a technical and professional component, The face to face occurs when the technical component is performed.
You wouldn't have the patient come in for technical component and then again for the professional component.
If the office owns the equipment you wouldn't split out TC vs 26, you would bill it globally no modifiers