Wiki Modifier 58 or 79


Murray, IA
Best answers
Our provider performed a lumbar RFA 64635 on the Right side, this has a 10 day global period. He then scheduled the patient to come back in 7 days (during global period of Right side RFA) to perform the same procedure, 64635, on the Left side. Which modifier would be more appropriate?
A. Modifier 58 - staged/related procedure, because the 2nd procedure was planned/scheduled to be performed during the global period
B. Modifier 79 - unrelated procedure, because the 2nd procedure was performed at a separate site (RT vs LT facets)
Modifier 79 - unrelated procedure, because the 2nd procedure was performed at a separate site, could be the appropriate answer.
Procedure performed 1st on LUMAR RFA 64635 - RIGHT SIDE.
Now they are performing on Second side. so it is unrelated problem.