Wiki Modifier 79 guidelines


Local Chapter Officer
West Saint Paul , MN
Best answers
Can you use modifier 79 on 0 global day procedures or is it only used on major procedures. My doctor performed an amputation procedure on the foot then later during the global period, performed debridement of nails and calluses. It is unrelated to the parent procedure, but putting a 79 on it doesn't feel right. Does anyone have any insight?
Can you use modifier 79 on 0 global day procedures or is it only used on major procedures. My doctor performed an amputation procedure on the foot then later during the global period, performed debridement of nails and calluses. It is unrelated to the parent procedure, but putting a 79 on it doesn't feel right. Does anyone have any insight?
Why doesn't it feel right? If the debridement of nails/calluses is unrelated to the amputation and is not part of the routine post-operative care, which I think is clearly the case here, then that's the correct modifier to indicate this.
Can you use modifier 79 on 0 global day procedures or is it only used on major procedures. My doctor performed an amputation procedure on the foot then later during the global period, performed debridement of nails and calluses. It is unrelated to the parent procedure, but putting a 79 on it doesn't feel right. Does anyone have any insight?
It depends on the insurance and procedure code. If we bill Medicare 11042 & 97605 during a global period they require modifier 58, 78 or 79 on 11042 but not on 97605.
It doesn't feel right because the person who trained me at this job told me that mod 79 was for major procedures, so that is stuck in my mind. If it is also used on minor procedures, then I guess I am just looking for confirmation that that is OK.
It doesn't feel right because the person who trained me at this job told me that mod 79 was for major procedures, so that is stuck in my mind. If it is also used on minor procedures, then I guess I am just looking for confirmation that that is OK.
That's not correct - it's used for any procedures performed during a global period, to indicate that it's unrelated to the post-operative care. It's not limited just to major procedures.
Can you use modifier 79 on 0 global day procedures or is it only used on major procedures. My doctor performed an amputation procedure on the foot then later during the global period, performed debridement of nails and calluses. It is unrelated to the parent procedure, but putting a 79 on it doesn't feel right. Does anyone have any insight?
I hope your employer gives you access to an encoder of some kind to answer questions like this. If not, they should. Encoders are getting less expensive, but well worth any price when you can have instant access to answers like this.
In your situation, if the patient is still their 10 or 90 day global period for the previous unrelated surgery, I use the modifier 79. If the amputation code billed did not have a global period, I do not use a modifier.